Healix service partner van de Global Mobility Company

Healix service partner van de Global Mobility Company
The Global Mobility Company got off to a good start in 2021. From 1st January 2021 we welcome Healix International as one of our preferred service partners. Last year we had already added Airinc as a preferred service partner.

Healix International is a global provider of travel risk management and international medical, security and travel assistance services. Working on behalf of multinational corporations, governments, NGO’s and insurers, they are relied upon to look after the welfare of expatriates, business travellers and local nationals living and working in every country of the world, 24 hours a day. Many of these people reside in the most remote, challenging and hostile environments.

Having built their reputation on medical and security expertise, their understanding of risk and their ability to evolve with the times, Healix has developed a track record of service excellence and product innovation.

While clients are offered the flexibility to mix and match services to suit their own particular requirements, Healix can also deliver a complete, integrated, robust and consistent travel risk management programme for travellers and expatriates, helping employers to fulfil their duty of care responsibilities toward their global populations.


Together with the services of Healix we offer additional added value for companies in the field of Global Mobility. The GMC is looking forward to a long and lasting cooperation with Healix.

“The Global Mobility Company is an alliance of several companies and consists of the following disciplines. Relocation Services powered by AGS KHZ, Insurances powered by De Goudse Verzekeringen, Tax and Social Security powered by Taxperience and HR support powered by Global Mobility Nomad. The goal of the Global Mobility Company is to improve and simplify the daily working life of people working in the Global Mobility industry. We have combined our strengths, knowledge and experience into one single alliance and so creating a one stop shop. Say bye bye to multiple initiations, numerous contacts and various places for data input”