Use our expat tax and legal expertise

Expat tax and legal expertise

International legal and tax advice for expats and employers

Taxation rules often differ for expats. International tax specialists from Taxperience offer their expert tax advice, also regarding social security issues. They are also your partners for making requests [AS1] and they offer legal advice to you as an international entrepreneur.  

Important questions

We help you answer questions concerning expatriate tax advice such as:

  • Where does your employee have to pay taxes?
  • How do I prevent any deterioration in the net wage of my employee?
  • In which country does the insurance for employment and occupational disability apply, in the country of residence or the home country?

International tax advice and social security

Working abroad tax is based on a different set of rules and also numerous social security premiums may apply. Both you and your employee will be supported, for instance by:

  • Having meetings on subjects such as international tax regulations and social security;
  • Advice on fiscal consequences of your choices. For instance, keeping and renting your home during your time as an expat;
  • Filing your income tax returns.

Rules for expats

Of course you want to know if your employees recruited from abroad are eligible for the Netherlands’ 30% ruling. The international tax advisor Taxperience will take care of everything. Also any paperwork for employees transferred by you abroad can be arranged, such as a request for the ‘A1/Certificate of coverage’ of the Sociale Verzekeringsbank. In conclusion, international tax advice and much more!